Saturday 24 June 2017

What effects did the invention of the printing press have on European society?

The invention of the printing press had a big impact on Europe. Before the printing press was invented, documents had to be written by hand, often by scribes. This was a very time-consuming process. Once the printing press was invented, it was possible to spread information very quickly and more accurately. This helped to educate the public about various topics.

More materials that were now being printed weren’t religious in nature. Prior to the printing...

The invention of the printing press had a big impact on Europe. Before the printing press was invented, documents had to be written by hand, often by scribes. This was a very time-consuming process. Once the printing press was invented, it was possible to spread information very quickly and more accurately. This helped to educate the public about various topics.

More materials that were now being printed weren’t religious in nature. Prior to the printing press, a lot of materials that were written dealt with religious topics. Many of the scribes worked for the Church. Thus, the materials that were written tended to be religious in nature. After the printing press was developed, more materials dealing with science were published. Scientists could more accurately and more quickly share information with each other. This helped lead to advances in science. The development of the printing press led to less censorship of materials. Since materials were being published by groups or individuals not connected with the Church, the Church had less ability to control what was being published and the information that was being made available to the public.

The printing press had a tremendous impact on Europe.

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