Sunday 25 October 2015

What are a couple of Jack's character traits in the novel Lord of the Flies?

Jack is a jealous, violent individual who craves power and eventually usurps it from Ralph throughout the novel. He is also a skilled hunter who voices his displeasure about maintaining a signal fire, building shelters, and following rules. He is a selfishindividual who continually argues with Piggy and neglects the littluns. Jack values barbarism over civilization and quits Ralph's group in order to start his own tribe at the other end of the island. Jack...

Jack is a jealous, violent individual who craves power and eventually usurps it from Ralph throughout the novel. He is also a skilled hunter who voices his displeasure about maintaining a signal fire, building shelters, and following rules. He is a selfish individual who continually argues with Piggy and neglects the littluns. Jack values barbarism over civilization and quits Ralph's group in order to start his own tribe at the other end of the island. Jack is also a tyrannical leader who encourages violence and savagery. As leader of this tribe, Jack manipulates the boys' fear by promulgating the belief in the beast and promoting violence. Jack leads his group of savages on several hunting expeditions, neglects the need for a signal fire, and punishes individuals who do not follow his commands. The threat of violence deters any dissenters and Jack eventually commands his hunters to kill Ralph. 

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How are race, gender, and class addressed in Oliver Optic's Rich and Humble?

While class does play a role in Rich and Humble , race and class aren't addressed by William Taylor Adams (Oliver Opic's real name) ...