Thursday 26 June 2014

How do you stop procrastinating?

I find that I procrastinate most about the tasks I dislike doing, and I think it's likely that is true of most people. Therefore, one of my most successful methods of dealing with procrastination is to first do the task that I least want to do. This has two advantages.  First, the task I have procrastinated about is done, and second, for the rest of my day, I do not have that task hanging over my head, draining my energy and making me feel guilty about what is undone.  For example, when I practiced law, I never minded doing research and writing briefs, but I hated to write boilerplate complaints and answers.  So I always got those out of the way.  Now that I teach, I find that I dread having to grade handwritten work, as opposed to work that is typed.  I do the handwritten quizzes first and then reward myself with the typed quizzes.  When you have schoolwork to do, first do the work you like the least. You will be amazed at how much more productive you are. 

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How are race, gender, and class addressed in Oliver Optic's Rich and Humble?

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